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Older Adults 55+

Older Adults 55+

Older Adult Program

Fremont Hospital offers a licensed geriatric unit that serves the needs of older individuals with acute psychiatric illnesses. The facility provides multi-disciplinary services for voluntary and involuntary patients.

Redwoods at Fremont Hospital focuses on the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders in senior adults, while recognizing the biological and psychosocial aspects of normal aging. We provide psychiatric evaluation, stabilization and medication management for our patients, along with a variety of therapeutic programs and services. Our goal is to enable our patients to successfully return to their families and communities.

Program includes:

  • A daily treatment schedule that provides therapeutic and purposeful activities to promote stabilization through psychosocial and medical interventions that result in discharge to a less intensive level of care.
  • Assistance with discharge planning, community resources, psychoeducation, group therapy and post-discharge follow up, all provided by our social workers.

Admission Criteria:

  • Geriatric adults with a primary psychiatric diagnosis requiring acute inpatient treatment.
  • Medical clearance (typically provided by their local hospital ER).
  • Involuntary patients must be on a legal hold.
  • Be able to participate in our treatment program.
  • Can be referred by self, family, physicians, hospitals, assisted living facilities or nursing homes.

When making a referral, please include the following documentation:

  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Medical clearance
  • Labs: CBC, CMP, Urinalysis/Toxicology
  • EKG
  • List of current medications
  • 5150 or legal hold documentation if applicable

Geriatric Behavioral Health Services are covered by Medicare and most private insurers. We will bill insurance for services and obtain prior authorization so there are no unanticipated costs or surprises.

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Dedicated to Hope, Healing and Recovery

Our trained staff is available by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assess an individual in crisis and arrange admission to the appropriate level of care. Confidential assessments and referrals are available at no cost. Whatever the need, day or night, quality care is a phone call away. Call 888-796-1101 today for a no-cost assessment.